Top 5 FAQ
Nespresso removes over 99.9% of the caffeine from green coffee by using water as solvent. This is known as the Swiss Water® Process of decaffeination. Green coffee grains are soaked in hot water in order to dissolve the caffeine. The decaffeinated beans are then dried while active carbon is used to absorb the caffeine from the water. The dried beans are soaked again in the water now free of caffeine. This process is repeated until the beans are 99.9% caffeine free. Finally, the green coffee beans are dried, roasted and then ground.
The residual caffeine content in Nespresso decaffeinated blends is below 0.1%, in accordance with all regulatory requirements. Nespresso currently offers three varieties of decaffeinated coffee (Vivalto Lungo Decaffeinato, Volluto Decaffeinato, Ristretto Decaffeinato and Arpeggio Decaffeinato). The water extraction process maintains the aromas and flavors of the bean. The decaffeinated Nespresso varieties undergo the same quality controls applied to all Nespresso Grands Crus blends.Did this answer your question? If not, Chat, we will be pleased to help you.
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Begin with your machine turned on, warmed up and without a capsule in the chamber. Place a cup under the spout, then press and hold the cup button you would like to program. Water will begin to flow. Release the cup button when the cup has been filled to your desired level. The machine will produce the same pour next time the button is pressed.
When brewing an espresso capsule it is not recommended to run more than 1.35 oz/40 ml through any one capsule as this will result in negative (bitter) aromas in the cup, known as "over extraction". If you are interested in a larger cup of coffee but not necessarily a stronger one, we encourage you to try an "americano", which is an espresso shot with hot water added (eject the capsule and brew a "blank" shot).
Furthermore, you may try our lungos range. Lungo, which translates to "long" in Italian, refers to a style of espresso which is larger than the traditional 1.35 oz/40 ml size. Our 4 lungo capsules contain 20-25% more ground coffee. You can thus brew a taller cup of espresso with a single capsule. A traditional lungo is poured to 3.75 oz/110 ml. Lungos are also recommended if you are looking for a more substantial amount of coffee.
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Nespresso foremost priority is sourcing the highest quality coffee beans and providing exquisitely unique espresso blends to our members worldwide.
At this time, we do not have any plans to add tea or hot chocolate related capsules to our Grands Crus selection. We do offer Limited Edition and flavored Variation espressos throughout the year.
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To get technical assistance for your machine, click here, choose the model and find step-by-step instructions and simple guides to help you get the most out of your machine:
-User manuals
-Operating guides
-Tutorial videos
-Guide to solve problems
-Technical specifications
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If you place an online order, you can pay with credit card: American Express, MasterCard or Visa.
If you order through Nespresso Club, calling to 0800 999 0392, you can pay with credit cards: American Express, Diners, MasterCard or Visa.
Also you can pay through Pago Fácil, Rapipago, RIPSA, Provincia Pagos, Multipago and BICA Agil. Or deposit or bank transfer, sending a proof of payment. Your order will be delivered once the payment appears in our system.
If you shop at ours Boutiques, you also can pay with debit cards (Banelco or Red Link) and cash.
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