Top 5 FAQ
You can reach us at our free phone number 0800 55 52 53 (from abroad +41 27 617 22 70) Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 and Saturday from 08:00 to 17:00. Feel free to use our Live Chat or contact us via WhatsApp at +41 76 249 11 11.
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Use this link to find the first helpful troubleshooting tips.
If these steps do not improve the situation, we advise you to contact our technical support directly on free phone number 0800 55 52 53.
We can use our video chat to perform an accurate diagnosis and find a solution together.
If a repair is necessary, we can organize a pickup by the post office. In this case, parcel carrier will pick up the machine from your home on the requested date, and after the repair it will come back the same way.
During the two-year warranty, this service is of course free of charge for you.
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If your machine is outside the two-year warranty period, we offer you a repair. The repair can be organised at a flat rate, which varies for each model. Your machine will be collected and returned to you by the Swiss post. In order to discuss this together and organise a repair, please contact us on the free number 0800 55 52 53 - we are there for you from Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 and Saturday from 08:00 to 17:00.
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No. The Nespresso paper-based capsule contains coffee grounds, which could contaminate the paper recycling process. Please do not place the capsule in your paper recycling bin. Instead, dispose of it properly by composting or following your local waste disposal guidelines.
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Try these tips to get the best coffee experience from Nespresso's compostable capsules.
- First, open the pouch with scissors.
- After making your Nespresso coffee, wait a few seconds for the capsule to cool, then eject it by gently lifting the lever. Check that the capsule drops down into the capsule bin. We recommend emptying the capsule bin at least once a day, and cleaning it regularly as part of your machine maintenance routine.
- Throw your used capsules into your home compost.
- Store unused capsules in the pouch, closing it after each use and securing it with a clip. Keep the pouch in a cool, dry place, but not in your fridge.
- Remember to enjoy your paper-based capsules within four weeks for the best coffee experience.
By following these simple steps, you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee with Nespresso's home compostable capsules. See this video for a step-by-step guide.Did this answer your question? If not, ask us your question, we will be pleased to help you.
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