Top 5 FAQ
You will find our agents in the Live Chat on the web from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 10:30 pm and Saturday mornings.
Start chatting with us by clicking on 'Our web chat' at the top of this page or through the 'Need any help?' icon on the front page.
Write down there on the chat your request and we will reply you as soon as possible. Don't worry, if you are offline you will receive your answer by email and, if you want, you will be able to start again the conversation from the same email.
Also, If you would like to speak with us on the phone, please call us at 900 259 259 from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 pm and weekends from 9 am to 9 pm.
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*Due to the high volume of orders, delivery is made within a period of between 2 and 3 days.
Deliveries within 1-2 working days if you place your order from Monday to Friday before 4 pm.
You will be able to track your order all the time here:
If you have not received your order within this time, please get in touch with our customer services department by chat or by calling our freephone number on 900 259 259.
Contact us if this didn't response to your query.
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Click here and find some assistance videos for your Nespresso machine.
Or contact an agent, who will be happy to help through our WhatsApp channel.
Furthermore, you have a Technical Support Service at your disposal from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 10 pm and weekends from 9 am to 9 pm.
- Free phone 900 259 259 (option 3).
- Technical diagnostic.
- Advises on the use and maintenance of your machine.
- Shipping of the principal spare parts of your machine.
Contact us if this didn't response to your query.
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It is recommended that you descale your Nespresso machine every 600 coffees or, at least, every 6 months.
Additionally, we recommend you let the water flow to clean the remains of coffee once the coffee has been prepared and after the capsule has been removed.
Click here to find out more about the maintenance of your machine.
You will find your descaling kit in the category "Machine Accessories" when you place your order through the Internet.
Contact us if this didn't response to your query.
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Discover the exclusive delivery services that Nespresso & You offers:
- Nespresso Pick Up Points:
Posts offices, petrol stations, bookshops, shops... There are more than 8.000 delivery points of UPS, Seur and Seur's Lockers and one of them is certainly close to your home or your workplace (due to service levels, temporarily some points are not available).
Extended working hours: Early in the morning, at noon or in the evening, on a weekday or a weekend, the choice is all yours!The cost for this service is € 3,90 (VAT included).
(No shipping charges on orders of € 39 or more).
- Same Day Delivery:
Receive your order today in slots of two hours. Deliveries from Monday to Saturday from 10 am to 10 pm.
(Service available in: Barcelona (Badalona, Santa Coloma, Sant Adrià del Besos, Hospitalet) Cornellà, Esplugues, Madrid (Majadahonda, Pozuelo, Las Rozas, Alarcón y Boadilla del monte), Valencia, Zaragoza,
Alicante, San Sebastián, Málaga, Sevilla, Valladolid, Bilbao, Palma, Girona , Sabadell, Pamplona, Vitoria, Coruña, Terrassa, Lleida, Granada, Oviedo and Castellón).The cost for this service is € 5,90 (VAT included).
(€ 1,90 for orders of € 39 or more. Free delivery for orders of € 79 or more).
- Standard Delivery:
Within Spanish territory, Nespresso we will do our best to deliver your orders within 24-48 business hoursfollowing receipt of your order, provided you place your order between Monday and Friday before 4 pm.
Free shipping for orders from 39€. The delivery charge for orders below 39€ is 3,90€.
*For Ceuta and Melilla zone the cost is € 25 or free for orders of € 99 or more.
- Boutique Pick Up:
Place your order and pick it up two hours later in the Nespresso Boutique of your choice. (Free service).
- Scheduled Delivery:
Program your order with 5 days of anticipation. Deliveries are available from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 10 pm in different time slots, starting the next working day placing your order before 4 pm.
The cost of this service is € 3,90 (VAT included).
(Available in Barcelona, Madrid, Zaragoza, Valencia, Bilbao and Huesca).
(Free delivery for orders of € 39 or more).
Contact us if this didn't response to your query.
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