Top 5 FAQ
The Nespresso capsules contain only fresh roasted and ground coffee with the exception of the flavoured coffees (Vanilla Éclair, Caramel Créme Brulee, Cocoa Truffle) which also contain natural flavours added to fresh roasted and ground coffee. It is the combination of the Nespresso system - machines and hermetically sealed capsules-, which creates the consistently dense crema and perfect in-cup results.
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No Nespresso coffee capsule contains a milk ingredient. The shape and size of the Vertuo capsules differ from the usual capsules of the Original range because it is a completely new system.
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The amount of caffeine is different for each coffee and depends on three factors: the proportion of Robusta in the blend (Robusta contains twice as much caffeine as Arabica), and the quantity of ground coffee and water used to prepare the cup.
For Vertuo, the caffeine content varies depending on the cup size and coffee blend:
- Espresso (40ml): 70-150mg/cup
- Gran Lungo (150ml): 120-200mg/cup
- Mug (230ml) and Alto (414ml): 140-200mg/cup
- Half Caffeinato (230ml): 90mg/cup
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The Vertuo product family is a reinterpretation of coffee with innovative brewing technology and a unique design for an unparalleled coffee experience. Offering fresh coffee crowned with crema, Vertuo coffee machines make four cup sizes at the touch of a button:
Espresso (40 ml), Double Espresso (80 ml), Gran Lungo (150 ml) and Mug (230 ml). To make these many cup sizes with the same coffee machine, the Vertuo system works with three different capsule sizes: A smaller capsules for espressos, a medium size for Double Espressos and Gran Lungos, and a big capsule for the Mug.
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No. Nespresso Original and Vertuo coffee machines come with different capsules that work differently in their own systems.
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