What can I do when my machine no longer works properly?

For technical problems or questions regarding your Nespresso machine you can call the Nespresso Customer Service at any time, free of charge, at 0800 21 62 51.

Our coffee specialists will be happy to assist you in diagnosing the problem of your machine. To help you in the best possible way, it is important that you are with your machine at the time of the call. In case the issue cannot be resolved we will be happy to offer you our machine pick-up service, which includes:

- Pick-up of the machine from an address of your choice

- Provision of a loan machine upon request

- Repair and corrective maintenance of the entire machine within the warranty (please note that if the machine is not cleaned properly, costs may be incurred) or at a flat rate

- Return delivery to an address of your choice

The machine will be repaired by the relevant machine partner’s repair shop.

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