Vintage Limited Editions

It all started in 2001 with Blue Batak.
The following year, in 2002, Nespresso launched Sidamo, a Limited Edition, and Mysore, a Club Special.
Then came Korgua and Tarrazù in 2003, Yunnan and Ixuhatlan in 2004, Sandona and Senang in 2005, and Bourbon Amarelo and Ensibuko in 2006.
In 2007, Nespresso launched Oâ et Jalayatra, followed by Goroka and Jinogalpa in 2008, and Singatobain in 2009.
Since 2010, Club Specials are no longer available, leaving only “Limited Editions” on the market.
In 2010, Tanzaru and Kazaar were launched, followed by Onirio et Djhana in 2011. The following year, in 2012, came Naora, Créalto and Kazaar, the first ever repeat. Most recently, Hawaï Kona is a “Special Reserve”  coffee, launched in an ultra-limited edition.


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