Top 5 FAQ
You can use the following link to track your order: click.
After the first unsuccessful attempt to deliver to your home address, the courier will take your package to the nearest pick-up point. You will be informed via a note in your letterbox or an e-mail.
Still unclear when your parcel will be delivered? Please contact us.
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In case you experience difficulties logging in, please check the following.
Do you use the correct email address that was linked to your Nespresso account?
It is possible you can no longer log in because you are using a different email address than the one that was originally registered on your Nespresso account. You can check this by verifying on which email address you receive our emails.
Is your password correct?
If your email address is correct, and loggin in won't work, we then advise you to reset your password.
Should these steps fail to solve the issue, do not hesitate to contact us for further assistance.
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The calorie content in an Espresso cup is negligible. There are 1260 Kj (300 Kcal) in 100 grams of roasted and ground coffee. The Nespresso Espresso capsules contain an average of 5.5 grams of coffee and Lungos contain around 7 grams. The fact that the ground coffee is dissolved in water means that a cup of coffee contains even fewer calories. A 40 ml Espresso contains around 0.6 calories and a 110 ml Lungo contains around 1 calorie.
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An indication through the lights can have different meanings and depends on the type of machine you have. For more information on how to solve this click here. Select the model of your machine, here you will find various instructions, video’s as well as user manuals.
From 8am to 9pm, you can count on direct assistance from our Coffee Specialists via the toll free number 0800 162 64.
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We are sorry that you did not receive your invoice. You will receive your invoice in your mailbox 24 hours after the physical dispatch of your order. We kindly ask you to check your mailbox and/or spambox.
Did you also know that from 18 May 2022 you can consult your invoices in your online account? You can find your invoice in PDF format in your account under "My Orders" by clicking on the PDF icon to the right of the respective order:
If you do not have the invoice, you can transfer us the amount that is due, mentioning your customer number and order number. You can find this information in your account under ‘My Orders’.
The bank details of Nespresso Belgium are 210-0980615-94 (IBAN: BE87 2100 9806 1594; BIC: GEBABEBB).
The bank details of Nespresso Luxemburg are IBAN : LU030030240725050000; BIC/SWIFT : BGLLLULL.
Do you need an invoice for your personal administration? Contact us in that case and we will send you a copy.
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